How to Use
In ETABS / SAP2000, the Tectonus device can be modeled using the “Damper – Friction Spring” link Element. This function accurately represents the flag-shaped hysteresis of a Tectonus device provided its parameters conform with the design parameters of the joint. The parameters can be generated automatically using the calculator below. Input your values on the left and check the results generated on the right.

Key Terms
Fslip (slip force of the RSFJ)
Fultultimate force in the RSFJ at the end of loading)
Frestoring (restoring force of the RSFJ)
Fresidual (residual force in the RSFJ at end of unloading)
Δslip(initial elastic deflection of the RSFJ before slip)
Δult(ultimate displacement of the RSFJ)
Kinitial (initial stiffness of the RSFJ before slip)
Kloading (loading stiffness of the RSF)
Kunloading (unloading stiffness of the RSFJ)
- Metric
- Imperial
Metric Calculator for Tension & Compression Brace, Shearwalls & Columns, Tension Only Brace
Imperial Calculator for Tension & Compression Brace, Shearwalls & Columns, Tension Only Brace
- Metric
- Imperial
Moment Resisting Frame (MRF) Metric Calculator

Moment Resisting Frame (MRF) Imperial Calculator
Disclaimer: The contents of the training, workshops, consultations, presentations and online tools provided by Tectonus ltd and its employees should not be construed as advice, whether legal or technical without the written permission from the Technical Directors of Tectonus Ltd. All design work and calculation for the project(s) and its structural parts is at the sole discretion and responsibility of the engineering professionals of each project.